

Dearies, I haven't updated for awhile (only 4 days) and already, I miss blogging.haha.I think I should write more frequently to keep my sanity or go nuts. No, I'm not depress with my life now and heck I LOVE it more than ever. I just wished that a hidden paparazzi would stalk and blog about me, hence I don't have to bother to blog about myself anymore. Pfft.

Okey kids, let's sum up everything in 10 minutes!

  1. Obviously I changed my blog template again. As you know, I'll change it again very soon. Hehe.
  2. Last 3days, had a small accident with a car. No worries babies, not much injured, just some small bruise and scratches.I'm still alive after all.
  3. Today's lab, 5 big rods felt onto my right shoulder. So now, I'm suffering. =.=
  4. I found myself as chill as before.No more emo.Glad I'm doing fine with my life lately.
  5. I think I found some college mates that can be trusted and to be my new good friends.
  6. Alright, will be going to Singapore tomorrow. :D
  7. And finally, Firdaus. I love him more each day :)

Thats all for now. tata titi tutu ^.^

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